Accountability Promotion Within the Foster System

Dr. Candice Matthews
4 min readSep 21, 2022


Fostering Accountability is a guide for administrators on how to create, implement, and monitor policies and procedures using empirical data. Also examined are the effects of litigation and data collection. It gives a complete overview of formulating and implementing foster care system-improving policies. It focuses on formulating policies based on agency-collected data.

Improving the quality of care for children in foster care requires promoting accountability within the foster care system via impact measurement. This is especially crucial in situations when foster care is a permanent option. The child welfare system faces several obstacles, but a recurring one is a lack of accountability. This issue can be handled on a case-by-case or systematic basis.

To be effective, an impact review must consider the whole foster care system, not simply a single intervention. In addition, it must identify critical elements such as kid safety and well-being. Sadly, the majority of foster care organizations focus on single intervention components without linking them to child outcomes. Without a full look at everything, they may continue to place importance on things that don’t hurt the safety of children.

Fostering accountability within the foster care system demands a comprehensive strategy. This involves taking the child’s needs, family, and surroundings into account. This involves the provision of food, shelter, and medical treatment. Involvement in religious activities, engagement with people outside the foster care system, and preparation for adulthood are also included. Process assessment is one method for achieving this objective.

Foster care aims to shield children from the hazards of abuse and neglect in their biological family. In addition, the objective is to provide children with secure, supportive surroundings that promote their growth and healing. However, despite the commendable intentions of foster care, this system fails to achieve them much too frequently. This is clear from the fact that there are a lot of class action lawsuits pending against state child welfare systems for not meeting even the most basic standards for children’s safety and care.

Introducing criteria for foster care homes is one method for improving the foster care system. These criteria will help foster children remain safe. Among these regulations will be the installation of a carbon monoxide detector, the provision of safe drinking water, the abstinence from smoking, and the maintenance of vaccines. Others will examine the qualifications of foster parents. For instance, they could mandate disclosure of substance misuse.

Foster parents are responsible for the daily care and supervision of a child, although they are not the child’s legal guardians. The courts have acknowledged this reality. In a recent case in Connecticut, for instance, a court found that foster parents can be held legally accountable for the behavior of their foster children.

It is difficult to establish high-quality data links between K-12 and foster care systems. To guarantee the effectiveness of data collection, governments must adapt to changing information requirements and maintain data gathering infrastructure. Due to high-quality data links, states are able to identify pupils from numerous systems and track their growth over time. This data must also be accessible, comparable, and useful.

The collection of data must include information regarding the academic development of foster kids and the performance of education systems. Data must be safeguarded and secured, as well as compliant with federal and state standards. To maintain data quality, authorities must have defined roles and responsibilities.

Foster care review can assist in improving the system and uncovering flaws. continuously included in the quality assurance procedures of local and state authorities. It should look at how the system works as a whole as well as the needs of each child to see if the child’s case plan or surroundings need to be changed.

An examination of foster care might concentrate on three major factors: child safety, foster parent fitness, and foster home atmosphere. In addition, it should assess the efficacy of foster care programs and their influence on child outcomes. Sadly, although most organizations concentrate on process assessments, few pay attention to kid outcomes. So, they might continue to place importance on things that don’t help keep children safe.

Even while the number of children in foster care is decreasing, this does not always indicate that the system is producing better results for the children. This is particularly true if the system fails to meet the requirements of the children. The government policy gives the foster care system a number of suggestions and resources to help improve the lives of children.



Dr. Candice Matthews

Dr. Candice Matthews is responsible for the design, development, and implementation of the organization’s strategic business plans in Houston, Texas.